

  • Te oumu o te wharekai 1600c mo te whakamahi i te oko o te Pouaka Whakatakotoranga. can also be used for sintering of metal, stone, ceramic, dissolution analysis of high-temperature heating. Characteristics: 1. Unique door design, safe and easy door operation, ...
  • Ko nga Kaihokohoko a Ruhia 1000 tohu taiwhanga mo te karaihe 一, Whakaahuatanga: Ko te oumu ātete o te pouaka-a-tinana, te whakamahi i te hauhautanga o te pāmahana.二, Nga waahanga Hua 1. Hoahoa tatau ahurei, hanga Opera ...
  • Dzf-3eb volumm oumu lab me te papu kore

    Dzf-3eb volumm oumu lab me te papu kore

    DZF-3eb Vacum vireum lab me te papu kore o te raukahu 1. He pai te whakamahi i tenei hua mo nga umanga ahumahi, whare wānanga me etahi atu taonga taiwhanga me te maimoatanga wera i raro i te waatea. Vacuum heat of the items in a vacuum oven, vacuum drying oven has the following advantages: (1) to reduce the drying temperature, shorten the drying time. (2) to avoid some of the items in the heating and oxidation under routine conditions, dust particles, destruction and the heated air...
  • Pereti whakawera fl-1laboratory



  • Te Hauora Hauora Hauora

    Te Hauora Hauora Hauora

    Te tono ki te Tari Whakaputa Taiao, hauora me te aukati i nga whakamatautau tarukino, te kararehe, te ahumoana, ahumoana me etahi atu umanga rangahau. Ko te taputapu whakaipoipo i te wai whakatapu me te tino tinana, nga huakita, nga harore, te whakatipu microorganism, te tiakitanga tipu, te whakatipu whakatipu, te whakatipu whakatipu.

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